On September 1, 2000 Frits Schoute gave his official (early) retirement speech. A little bit about telecom traffic, much more about his dream of living at sea. More details (in Dutch) at www.ecoboot.nl.
Frits Schoute can now be reached at f.schoute@gmail.com.
Year 2000 additions to this homepage:An applet to illustrate Self Similarity. Take a look at the Peano Monster Curve. By looking into greater detail, your see a similar curve that is ever more space-filling. An applet for performance evaluation of priorities for QoS in IP networks, written by Steven de Rooij for his Masters' Thesis assignment Erlang calculator as Java applet. Now you can quickly compute blocking probabilities with the Erlang formula. Or compute how many resources are needed or how much traffic is permitted. Refinement: go from Erlang calculator to Engset calculator when the user population can not be considered infinite. This refinement is useful when a small number of users share a few lines (e.g. 8 channels of one GSM basestation). |
Frits C. Schoute was born in The Hague, The Netherlands, on September 9, 1947. He received his M.Sc. in applied mathematics from the University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands in 1974 and a Ph.D. from the division of engineering and applied sciences of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1977. Since 1977 he has been with Philips Bussiness Communications in Hilversum, The Netherlands, working on performance analysis. In '84/'85 he took a sabbatical leave to teach in the EECS dept. of the University of California at Berkeley. In 1989 he was appointed part-time professor in the Telecommunications and Traffic-Control Systems Group. His main interest are: performance analysis of telecommunication systems (cf. his Erlang calculator) and multimedia. From 1996 to 2000 he was leader of the Mobile Multimedia Communication (MMC) project.
On September 1st, 1997, he was appointed as part-time professor multimedia
systems in the Information and Communication Theory (ICT)
group of the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EWI).
He published with Kluwer Technische Boeken a book on performance analysis of
telecommuniction systems (in Dutch). This book, "Prestatieanalyse van
Telecommunicatie- systemen", ISBN 90-201-2219-3, is out of print but can
be viewed or downloaded online: view the html
version or download the postscript
or pdf version.
Jan van Duuren, Peter Kastelein and Frits Schoute wrote "Fixed and Mobile
Telecommunications: Networks, Systems and Services" . The second edition,
ISBN 0-201-87754-6, came out in 1996 with Addisson
Wesley Longman.
Here are links -some with limited access- to personal sites that are dear to Frits Schoute: